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Ahli Bank: The AGM and EGM Endorses Items on It's Agenda

Ahli Bank: The AGM and EGM Endorses Items on It's Agenda

Ahli Bank announces the results of the AGM and EGM. The meeting was held on 26/02/2025 and the following resolution were approved Agenda of the Annual General Meeting (1) The statement of the Board about the Bank’s operations and its financial position for the financial year ended 31 December 2024 and approving them, and to discuss the Bank’s future plans. (2) The Auditor’s Report for the audited financials and the final accounts for the year ended 31 December 2024 and approving it. (3) The Auditor’s Report on the Governance of the Bank. (4) The auditor’s report on internal control in the Bank. (5) Approving the financial statements and the profit and loss account for the financial year ended 31 December 2024. (6) Approving the Board recommendation for distribution of cash dividends for the year 2024 at the rate of 25% of the paid up capital. (7) The Board report on the Bank’s governance for the year 2024 and approving it, and hearing a report on the Board self-assessment. (8) Discharging the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors from any liability for the financial year ended 31 December 2024, and approving their remuneration. (9) Approving the appointment of the external auditor of the Bank for the financial year 2025 and to approve its fees. Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting (1) Approving the Board of Directors proposal regarding amendment of Articles No. (35 & 69) of the Bank’s Articles of Association as per the details in the attached Schedule I, in respect of (i) amending the notice period before Board meetings to be (10) days prior to the meeting date, and (ii) authorizing the Board of Directors to decide distribution of interim cash dividends (quarterly or semi-annually) during a financial year. (2) Approving continuation of the bond programme for the value of $2 billion that includes issuance of different financial instruments including European Medium Term Bonds (EMTN) in US dollars or other currencies, and/or certificates of deposit and commercial papers in US dollars or other currencies, either directly from the bank or through a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank ("Special Purpose Vehicle") to be guaranteed by the Bank, whether on one or several tranches, provided that issuances shall not exceed the total value of the programme subject to the ceiling determined by the applicable laws and to authorise the Board of Directors to update the programme from time to time, and to pay any tranche on its maturity date and to re-issue in accordance with the terms and conditions of the programme, and to determine the size and manner as may be specified by the Board of Directors, in compliance with the instructions of the regulatory authorities. And to authorize the Board of Directors with such authorities as may be necessary and required to update and launch the programme and to determine the appropriate time for issuance, and to deposit any financial instruments through domestic or foreign private placements, and to approve the details and conditions relating to the issuance, including the payment of all expenses and fees necessary for the issuance and to obtain all the necessary approvals from Qatar Central Bank and any other governmental or non- governmental bodies, and the Board shall have the right to enter into any agreement and to delegate any of its authorities as the Board deems appropriate to complete all such procedures. (3) To approve authorising the Board of Directors to redeem the outstanding Tier 1 capital notes in the amount of USD 300 Million and to reissue Tier 1 capital notes for an equal value based on the following: · Structure of the instrument will be in line with market and regulatory.
Source: QSE