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Commercial Bank Celebrates Ramadan With Series of Robust CSR Initiatives Across Qatar

Commercial Bank Celebrates Ramadan With Series of Robust CSR Initiatives Across Qatar

Doha, Qatar: Commercial Bank, a leader in innovative digital banking in Qatar, is embracing the spirit of giving during the holy month of Ramadan by launching a series of initiatives that fall under its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

These endeavors have underscored the Bank’s unwavering commitment to supporting those in need and fostering positive change within the community. 

Commercial Bank launched its Ramadan initiatives by hosting a Build a Bike event where employees had the opportunity to collaborate and assemble bicycles that were later donated to underprivileged children and workers. 

Commercial Bank has upheld its mission in preserving and nurturing the Qatari heritage, embracing it as the very essence of the nation’s collective identity.

The Bank’s efforts included reviving old Qatari dialect to enable the younger generation to develop a deeper sense of connection with their cultural roots.

Staff members walked around Qatar and asked citizens to guess the meaning of authentic Qatari words. 

Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali bin Jabor Al Thani, Chairman at Commercial Bank said: “Through wise leadership and a future-forward strategic approach, Commercial Bank has been able to expand its footprint across Qatar, and the region.

We believe we hold a special responsibility towards the community, as well as a particular responsibility to future generations.

So, we strive to play our part in building a brighter future for every individual; one that overflows with opportunity and presents an easier way of living.

This includes always extending a helping hand to uplift anyone in need all year long, and especially during the Holy Month.”

Joseph Abraham, Group CEO at Commercial Bank said: “Supporting the community in Qatar during the Holy Month of Ramadan has always been the cornerstone of Commercial Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

As a responsible member of the community, we are grateful to be able to contribute to the community and provide necessary support to different sections of society.”

Hussein Al Abdulla, EGM, Chief Marketing Officer and Alternative Assets at Commercial Bank said: “Commercial Bank has always been, and will always be, an advocate for the community’s well-being. This is evident in the initiatives we have taken throughout the holy month. 

We worked together to achieve one heartfelt goal and that is to make Ramadan an enriching and uplifting experience for everyone. Evidently, every initiative we have taken has spread joy and hope across Qatar. We are proud to have made a difference, and we strive to strengthen our CSR initiatives for the coming years. This means achieving greater things for our shared future.”​​​