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Egypt’s Sovereign Dollar Bonds Slip 1 Cent After More Than a Week of Gains – Tradeweb

Egypt’s Sovereign Dollar Bonds Slip 1 Cent After More Than a Week of Gains – Tradeweb

LONDON - Egypt's sovereign dollar bonds shed as much as 1 cent on Friday after more than a week of gains, Tradeweb data showed.

Nearly all the country's international bonds fell, but the February 2028 maturity lost the most, slipping just over a cent to trade at 80.6 cents on the dollar.

The indebted north African nation's bonds had rallied recently with some shorter-dated maturities trading at their strongest in almost two years after positive signals from the International Monetary Fund sparked hope that it was edging closer to a final deal to augment a $3 billion loan with Egypt.
Source: ZAWYA