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Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company Announces Strategic Partnership Agreement for Establishing a Modern Salt Production Factory in State of Qatar

Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company Announces Strategic Partnership Agreement for Establishing a Modern Salt Production Factory in State of Qatar

Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company announces its intention to enter into an initial strategic partnership agreement to establish a modern factory for the production of all types of industrial salt and table salt. This project, with an investment cost of $290 million, will involve both local and international partners. The project aims to provide a safe and environmentally friendly solution to treat brine from desalination plants and convert it into useful products in addition to offer a reliable and sustainable source of industrial and food salt products for the local market while exporting surplus salt products to regional and global markets. This initiative is considered an important step towards achieving Qatar National Vision 2030 by enhancing economic sustainability and developing local industries. Additional information about the project will be disclosed in the future as soon as detailed studies are completed. It is worth noting that the State of Qatar imports about 850,000 tons annually of salt of various types.
Source: QSE